BUFOLI: Have Single Hung Windows In Mobile Home, How Do You Clean Without Removing Inside Storms? Have Single Hung Windows In Mobile Home, How Do You Clean Without Removing Inside Storms? | BUFOLI

Have Single Hung Windows In Mobile Home, How Do You Clean Without Removing Inside Storms?

Q. bottom of windows come out or go up so you can use the screens, but top of windows are stationary and only way to move them is to unscrew the inside window from the frame. need to wash windows, but how?
A. OUGH....I have the same type windows and if they have the regular trailer screws....I removed mine and put regular philip screws in ....One on each side and one top and bottom......that is the only way to clean them good.........about 4 times a year..
How can I reinstall windows movie maker without my windows xp disc?
Q. I uninstalled windows movie maker so I could reinstall it because I was having problems with it. But I just realized I don't have a windows xp disc. Is there a way to reinstall the program without the disc?
A. Windows movie maker is available from windows update online. Check out this link: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/moviemaker2.mspx
How do I reset Windows Explorer window sizes to their default values systemwide?
Q. I have resized a lot of windows in Windows Explorer. Now I need to reset all windows sizes to their default values. And not only Windows Explorer windows, but all the windows systemwide, like Firefox downloads window size and everything else.
A. You should close out of all, but one of each of these browsers, maximize the window, and then close it out. After you have done this, then open that browser, and it should be full screened as usual. Otherwise, there are settings in each browser to reset everything to default settings. But the first is the easiest, I do this daily, I usually have 3 browsers open full of tabs and multiple smaller windows.
What is the difference between the windows 7 upgrade and windows 7 starter to home premium?
Q. I have Windows Vista right now and want to upgrade and I saw both windows 7 and the windows 7 starter to home premium, but one is 30 dollars cheaper. Whats the difference between them?
A. The update is designed to turn Windows Vista into Windows 7. However you have to have the right upgrade version. You can only upgrade Vista Home to Win7 Home, Vista Pro to Win7 Pro, etc.
The Win7 Starter to Win7 Home Premium requires you to already have Win7 Starter install (not Vista). It then upgrades it to Win7 Home Premium. It will not work a Vista install.
If I upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7, can I choose to erase everything and start over?
Q. Recently I obtained a Windows 7 disk and I want to update my hard drive. Can I choose to wipe EVERYTHING from my old Windows XP and start all over? How can I?
A. To upgrade your PC from Windows XP to Windows 7, you'll need to select the Custom option during Windows 7 installation. A custom installation doesn't preserve your programs, files, or settings. It's sometimes called a "clean" installation for that reason.
A custom installation is more complex, and it can sometimes take a couple of hours to complete. We created this five-step tutorial to help guide you through the entire process each step of the way.
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