Q. Ok just created a second
account for gmail ....I have my first account on my iPhone but how do I
get my second account on my iPhone?
How can I create a gmail account without a cell phone?
Q. I
want to make a youtube account, but to make a youtube account you have
to make a gmail account. And to make a gmail account you need a cell
phone, and I don't have a cell phone. Is there a way to create a gmail
account without a cell phone?
First of all, you need to have a cell phone for the confirmation code
because a message cannot be sent to most house phones. If you sign up on
YouTube, you will automatically be signed up onto Google. You won't
need to do the Google steps. You just have do put YouTube details, an
extra email address (that is not a Google Address) and your phone
number. A confirmation code might or might not be sent to your mobile.
If they ask you for the confirmation code, then check your mobile for
the code. If they haven't, you will automatically sign up on to YouTube,
but still giving your number is necessary. It is also good for the
security of your account.
Knock for help at http://helpfulbucket.blogspot.in/
Has anyone found the solution to the syncing problem between iphone calendar and Yahoo calendars?
Q. Before
the iphone upgrade, Yahoo calendar used to sync just fine with iphone
calendar. Since then, the only way to get it to correctly sync is to
delete the account from the phone and re-add it. This isn't a very
timely solution when I use my calendar every day. Any help?
Creating another mail/calendar account (gmail, mobileme or any other)
is not practical as the yahoo address I use is our business account.
This problem is terrible! I am so disappointed. My Yahoo stops syncing
for no reason. I have tried reinstalling the calendar, and that works,
but it's a pain in the butt. Today I saw a post suggesting you re-enter
your password in settings > Mail, contacts and calendar> yahoo
account. I guess the iphone's new os changes the stored password. I
re-entered the password, it verified and is working again. I think I
will have to check my password every day until this problem gets fixed.
How do you create a channel on youtube?
Q. I
created an account connected to gmail but when I signed in my channel
wasn't there like I was signed but it still said Sign in or Create
account and then I wanted to comment on this video I watched and It said
I had to sign in. So why is my channel not working if I was technically
signed in with google?
Just sign in with Google again. I used to have that problem but I
signed in then clicked the stay signed in button and never had to do it
over again, unless I signed out. Hope I helped.
why wont the gmail account i created on my iphone work on my laptop?
Q. I
created a gmail account on my iPhone and when I try to use the username
and password on my laptop it says they are invalid. I am sure that I am
putting in the right username and password.
Ok when you created the account did you go to gmail.com and create it ?
Or did you just enter information into the account setup in mail on the
phone? Cause if that's the case the account doesn't exist. Other then
that idk
Where can i create new email account other than gmail,ymail and msn?
Q. i
want to create a new free email account using my mobile phone. But when
im trying to create new email account in yahoo,gmail,hotmail they tell
me to use a computer. So i'd like to know , web sites which allow us to
create free email accounts other than gmail,ymail and msn.
A. Here are a few email providers that I think are
worth having.
https://edit.yahoo.com/registration?.srcâworth having.
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